Most Believers, especially every one that has seen Charlton Heston in The Ten Commandments, have thought it would be nice if the Lord would just pop into the nearest bush, fire it up, and lay out exactly what we’re supposed to be doing for the day, the week, the rest of our lives.
For weeks, every time I pick up a devotional or read of the work about the missionaries who have gone before, God speaks to me. I have an electronic Bible on my computer with a set of 5 devotions that load when I open it. Several days in a row, every one of the 5 were right on target for what was going on in our lives, or about a conversation I had just been having.
I was talking to someone about this, and I said that it probably wasn’t that big of a deal, that a good devotional would probably have something applicable to most believers every day — like a fortune cookie, you always wonder how you happened to get the perfect one! That evening, I read through the devotions for the day, and every single one had absolutely nothing to do with anything in our lives. Nothing inspiring, nothing applicable, they were all completely off-target.
Being the attentive person that I am, I didn’t even notice the extremeness of how uninspiring these devotions were. It didn’t hit me until the next day, and I laughed at how quickly God had responded to my comment about Him NOT speaking to me through the random devotions. Thankfully, He’s back to speaking through devotions and His Word, but I’ll keep checking the bushes, just in case…